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# 3 Cool

This brand has many different flavors but in this instance they are cool flavor. These are all over the store especially in the checkout area or self checkout, usually you grab them as the cashier is scanning your items.. This little round thing comes in a blue round shape container with a white top. On top is a sticker that has the name and it has a cooling crystal background that is a darker blue. This container also includes two sides that open one is for many to come out and the other is for only one to come out, it is even labeled on top "one" or "many".  The container also tells you that it is sugar free. I just remember hearing all of them move in the container as I picked it up. It is tiny even smaller than a penny, it is white, and has I would say royal blue little crystals all around embedded into it.

Instantly when it entered my mouth I got a mouthful of freshness. Almost like the feeling of snowflakes falling in your mouth, cold and it hits all of your mouth. I think at some point we have all experienced that feeling. Now as soon as it enters your mouth you can either let it melt away in your mouth or like me chew it, hear the crackling noise of it breaking off in your mouth. It is a very cooling feeling but you get a little tingly feeling after and a burst of the little sweetness it has at the end. Can you guess which one it is? Have you ever had it before? 💨💨💧


  1. I like how you described the process of you buying the mints because they are always at the checkout line lol.

  2. The description is on point! I like how you described the packaging and how the mint feels in the mouth! is it by any chance those icebreaker ones that come in the circular container??


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