When taking a look at all these different school lunches the USA is the least desirable one. There has always been a huge controversy about who has the best lunch but the USA is never really in the top. The USA has always had the least healthiest lunch. As you can see in the picture we have cookies, nuggets, mashed potatoes and for the "healthy" stuff we have some peas and fruit in a cup. While on the other hand all the other places have more fruit and vegetables on their plates than anything.
Topics like these really do cause a lot of controversy because of the outcomes these lunches come. The USA is know to have a lot of obesity even in kids, and most people say it can be because of little things like these. The "little" things need to be taken more serious because school lunches really do make a difference in a these kids lives. Kids spends more time at school than at home so it is important for them to be provided with great choices at school. They also do eat a lot at school so providing them with balanced healthy lunches really does make a huge difference. They deserve food that that looks fresh like Italy, France, Greece, Spain, and Finland does, their food looks nothing like the one from the USA.
When looking at these picture of school lunch, which one would you choose? The lunch that looks the best is Italy's. As kids everyone wish they could choose their lunches but what if kids could do that. These kids should be able to do so why don't schools make it happen of course they wouldn't chose everything but getting a say would be better. These kids would be getting fresh fruits and vegetables but also something they would enjoy eating. Lunches in the USA should be healthier and just as good looking as the ones in other countries. Now that I left you with these information what do you think?
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