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 Hello everyone,

My name is Irania Lopez I am a really interesting person to say the least. I am a person who is very introverted and it may seem like a bad thing because I don't engage much. It has actually help a lot in college with being really responsible and focusing on the things that need to get done. I believe that setting  incredibly high goals for yourself is what really motivates you. At times when I feel like giving up I see all the great things I can accomplish and its what keeps me going. I am person who fight hard for what they want, I have learned to put what I want and need before anything. Being introverted has really shown me to better myself and the way I am. I learn form all my mistakes and use it to my advantage. 

Some of my interest are furthering my education and developing more of my skills for my career. Developing the skills that are needed to be a special education teacher is important for me to be able to get into that career. Getting your dream job teaches you so many new things, things you didn't even know.

My hobbies are are reading books, sewing, personal development and more these are just the top ones. Recently getting into reading again has opened a new door for me. It also depend on what type of book I am reading, some books are just for personal liking and then some books actually provide a lot of new information. Down below will be one of the many books that I have been reading. Sewing is just a getaway activity, it makes time pass by so quickly. Now personal development is one that I have also recently started working on. We can all develop more personally, each one of us has something different that we might want to work on. These are just some of my interest and some of the things I do on my spare time.

Many people can relate when I say that loud chewing is one of my biggest pet peeve's. It's not like you have an issue with the person, it's just the chewing! The noise just getting in your head and drives you insane. another one most people also hate is people who interrupt. It's honestly common sense that sometimes interrupting someone is really rude. Some people do it anyways, other just ignore the fact they are doing it. Here is a list of pet peeves commonly hated among everyone. Pet-Peeves

Goal are one of the things most set highly for ourselves. I want to accomplish earning my degree and getting to be an actual special education teacher. One goal a lot of us have in common is making out families proud. Another goal is growing more as a person better than I am now. These are just some of the many goals that I have for myself. These are all goals I will one day accomplish. Remembering no goal is too big, you can accomplish anything you desire if you put you're all into it.

Personality is one of the things that makes us all unique, each one of us is different. Personality is hard to explain it is something you have to see in person. I am  shy but outgoing person at the same time. Keeping to myself is what I usually do but when I connect with someone it changes the whole situation. Personality makes us all different and its very interesting to see how each person is different. Another thing I would say makes me unique is may name Irania. Its a name I have never seen anyone else have, I know I cannot be the one with this name but its very uncommon. It is something very unique about me, and overtime have come to like about myself.


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